FAQs – Returning to Learning at Sutton College

Do I need to take a test before coming to College?

If you are attending college once per week, we are requesting that you take one weekly test.

If you attend college twice per week more than 3 days apart, we are requesting that you take 2 tests.

Information on testing, how to obtain tests and how to report results can be found at https://bit.ly/3wkDcPO

How are you protecting me from COVID-19?

We have ensured that the maximum number of students in the building does not exceed our given guidelines at any time.
There are multiple hand sanitiser stations, safe seating arrangements and an enhanced cleaning regime for the building.

Masks/face visors are to be worn by all learners and staff in all the College communal areas unless they are exempt or for certain lessons masks cannot be worn.

What do I need if my course is online?

You will need a Computer with a camera & microphone or a laptop/tablet/phone (where these should be built in)
Online classes use google meets – see our online support for more information
The class will be in real time and the start time is as advertised. 

You will receive a personal Sutton College logon via email shortly after enrolment.

I want to access my online class but don’t have the right equipment

The College has some resources available for those students unable to access our online provision easily – please contact your tutor or Centres for more details. 

Do I have to wear a face mask in College?

Masks/face visors are to be worn by all learners and staff in all areas of the College unless they are exempt or for certain lessons masks cannot be worn.

Should I come to College if I feel ill?

If you display any symptoms of Coronavirus please make sure you do not attend College.
Symptoms include a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. Please refer to government advice or call the NHS on 111. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/get-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/

If you are unwell with other symptoms and cannot attend class, please let us know via our Student Absence Form 

If you test positive for Covid-19 and have been to College within the last 14 days, you must contact the College immediately. 

How will I know what is happening if we enter another lockdown?

In the event of another lockdown we will let all students know the effects as soon as we have received guidance from the Local Authority. Should another lockdown occur, we would attempt to transfer as many classes as possible to an online format until the lockdown has ended. More information on this will be communicated via email should the event arise and we would ask students to check their emails regularly for updates. 

What if a student at Sutton College / student in my class gets Coronavirus?

The College adheres to Government guidelines, through the local Health Protection Team and use of the track and trace system. Anyone needing to isolate will be contacted appropriately.

What do I do if my child is unwell?

Please follow guidance from your GP and/or other official health guidance for your situation. If you have tested positive for Covid-19 please do not come to College. If you cannot attend class, please let us know via our Student Absence Form 

Who do I contact with any concerns?

If you want more advice about courses or the precautions the College is taking please call 020 8289 4700


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Sutton College, St Nicholas Way, Surrey, SM1 1EA | 020 8289 4700 | enrol@suttoncollege.ac.uk

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