29 February 2012 – SCOLA Principal reaches Aconcagua summit!

29 February 2012

SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, travelled to Argentina, South America on 5th February 2012 in order to attempt the ascent of Aconcagua. This demanding ascent is the highest peak in the Americas. The scenery is stunning throughout, with incredible views of neighbouring peaks. Those attempting the ascent had to undergo acclimatisation and training walks to get used to high altitude trekking and a spare day was set aside for a second summit attempt in case of bad weather during the trek.

The ascent is said to not be technically demanding, but the altitudes and extreme weather conditions make this a difficult climb, for which climbers need to be physically and mentally prepared. The altitudes involved are particularly challenging, and a lot of rest days are incorporated to aid acclimatisation.

Congratulations to our Principal for rising to the challenge and successfully reaching the Aconcagua summit! We are proud of you! Saboohi did this in aid of cancer research and if you would like to donate towards this worthy cause please visit http://www.justgiving.com/Saboohi-Famili1.

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