7 June 2010 – Carshalton Camera Club- Exhibition & Awards

8 June 2010

I had just arrived home at 7.30pm where I had a call from Geoff Kenward , Head of Creative Studies – Arts & Crafts, at SCOLA,who was wondering where I had got to. I was supposed to be at the Carshalton Camera Club’s 55th annual exhibition held at the Carshalton Methodist Church – the entry to my diary had been wiped out!
After a moment of panic I arrived at the centre just in time to whiz through the exhibition and then proceeded straight into the presentation ceremony.
The quality of pictures, the variety, and the topics were amazing. The club had gone out of their way to invite a very credible judge, Richard Walton FRPS who in 2001 was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society to judge the competition.
After the presentation, Richard Walton spoke about approximately 10 pieces of the work that had been presented and explained how, in his view, they are of outstanding quality.
I particularly liked a very clever and witty piece by Darren Pullman entitled “Twitters Online”.

After the presentation, we went back into the exhibition hall to inspect the art presented in more detail. It was great to learn that so many of the competitors had been students at SCOLA and to hear them talk so highly of the College.
It was a very pleasant evening and SCOLA would like to offer to host some of the work presented. Geoff Kenward promised to look into this.
I came away thinking I need to get my diary sorted out otherwise I might miss out on attending such fun events! There won’t be a helpful Geoff to call and chase after me all the time! Will be on the howler to IT tomorrow!

Saboohi Famili-Principal

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