New Sustainability Campaign – Help us tackle Climate Change!

In October 2020, Sutton Council published a revised Environment Strategy and Climate Emergency Response Plan. The ambition is to become London’s most sustainable borough by 2025. As a Council service and an organisation, like all, with an environmental responsibility, the College is working to improve our environmental impact by running initiatives to work towards the Borough’s aims.
The main targets of Sutton Council’s strategy are:
• Clean Air
• A Greener Borough
• Using Less Energy
• Creating a Circular Economy
• Tackling Climate Change
Alongside a reduction of single use plastic at the College, we have ensured our vending machines stock drinks in recyclable materials, replaced old light bulbs to LED, had a targeted reduction of paper use and promote the use of cycle racks to encourage staff & learners to cut car use.
Barbara Eayrs, Head of Executive Support at Sutton College and member of the Environmental Champions committee at the London Borough of Sutton said:
‘As a member of the Council’s Environmental Champions team, it has been wonderful to be involved in setting up the pledges campaign at the College. We look forward to taking these forward and our students and staff helping to make a difference to climate change’
This year Sutton College are proud to launch our new Sustainability Pledges campaign and hope that students will support by pledging to make small changes in their daily lives that will have an impact on climate change. The pledges are not monetary but just a pledge to make a change.
Students, staff and supporters of the College are asked to have a look through the simple, easy ideas we have for each one of us to make a difference to climate change and ‘Pick A Pledge’.
The choices are small changes that, if everyone were to action them, would have a collective positive impact on the environment.
Please take a look and join us – all you have to do is either put a sticker by the small changes you agree to make on the posters at main centres or complete our online poll on the College social media.
The London Borough of Sutton Environment Strategy and information can be found at