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We welcome all of your suggestions and comments and want to know if things are going well or if there is need for improvement.
You can contact us by completing the student feedback form at the bottom of this page, or you can write to the Principal, Sutton College, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EA.
What to do if you have a complaint
- First, speak to any member of staff who will be pleased to help you.
Hopefully, he/she will be able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction and will log your complaint and the action taken for our records. - If the matter cannot be resolved so easily, he/she will record your complaint and ask you to complete a complaints form (below).
If you prefer, you may email us on yourvoice@suttoncollege.ac.uk - We aim to acknowledge your complaint within three working days of receipt, followed by a formal response within ten working days.
In the event that it takes longer to resolve we will keep you fully informed. - The College also has separate formal procedures for dealing with incidents of racial harassment or other equal opportunities issues.
Centre staff have copies of policies and procedures. - The College is committed to providing a happy environment in which effective learning can take place and we value all of your comments, suggestions, compliments and suggestions.
Your views are taken seriously and will be included in the process of continuing improvement.