Family and Community Learning

This department offers courses for families and for communities / community groups


If you are a parent or carer of pre-school or school-age children, Family Learning is for you!

Sutton College’s Family Learning Programme is delivered by experienced tutors, in schools, children’s centres, libraries and parent support groups, as well as in our main centres.

Our free and low-cost courses and workshops offer families the opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge, support their children’s learning, meet other families and enjoy their time together.  Parents and carers are also offered progression information and, by request, confidential advice and guidance to plan their future learning and work.

To enrol on Family Learning courses, call Sutton centre on 020 8289 4700.

 If you would like your school or community venue to offer a free family course, please email the Family Learning Team:;

Examples of courses we run:

  • Little Learners: English & Maths
  • Support Your Child with Homework online workshops in Phonics, Maths Strategies
  • Family Language for EAL Parents
  • Keeping Up with the Children – English & Maths
  • Rhyme, make and Play
  • Djembe Drumming
  • Family Pottery
  • Family First Aid
  • Bollywood workshops

We were shortlisted for the Campaign for Learning Award for Building Brighter Futures through Family Learning.  They commented:

“I wanted to say that we thought that speaking to schools at the outset and your plans going forward are exciting and were the reasons you were shortlisted for the  awards.”

If you have attended a Family Learning Course, please complete the Family Learning Evaluation Form to help us monitor and improve our offering.


Sutton College would like to offer you the opportunity to apply for one (or more!) of our exciting low cost courses and workshops.

Our target group is London Borough of Sutton residents and our aim is to encourage and develop enjoyable learning, achievement and progression for adults in Sutton. In particular, those who are most in need and/or have had the least opportunity to take part in learning activities and access a wide range of learning opportunities which will enhance their life in many different ways.

We can arrange courses to meet your organisation’s needs in the following areas:

  • Physical Health and Wellbeing
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Digital Inclusion
  • Social Cohesion
  • Steps to Employability
  • First Steps Engagement

If you would like your school or community venue to offer a community learning course, please email the Community Learning Team:;

Examples of courses we run:

  • Return to Work online workshops e.g. Identifying Your Transferable Skills
  • Creative Writing for Wellbeing
  • Our Community & Our History
  • First Aid workshops
  • First Steps – Computers and the Internet

TAILORED LEARNING PROJECT funding opportunity (open for submissions until 9 September 2024)

Sutton College, and the local authority, are committed to increasing the skills and employment opportunities for its residents, along with building and supporting residents with their wellbeing, confidence or social inclusion.

The main purpose of the Tailored Learning Fund – previously Community Learning Fund is to work with local organisations to reach the most disadvantaged individuals within the borough and surrounding boroughs.

Groups can apply to Sutton College’s Tailored Learning Fund and potentially be awarded between £2,000 to a maximum of £10,000 to help them deliver their project.

If you would like to be considered see for more information and to apply.

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Sutton College, St Nicholas Way, Surrey, SM1 1EA | 020 8289 4700 |

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