Google Classroom is our eLearning platform for all your Sutton College classes


Google Classroom is the online area for students, designed to enhance and extend the student learning experience.

****To access Google Classroom you need to use the @suttoncollege email logon that you have been sent ****

Google Classrooms contains your course site which is a website that is created individually for your course, by tutors, for their students. This will vary in content depending on your course, but the site can contain a variety of elements to support studies such as resources, links, discussion forums, lesson slides, homework, announcements etc. This can greatly enhance your course experience and extend learning outside of the classroom. It also contains information for students such as the Student Newsletter, questionnaires, calendars and other College communications aimed at students.

  • At the start of your course, you will be issued with your individual Sutton College email address and password which will allow you to access Google Classrooms and other Google apps.



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Need help with Google Classrooms?

Our “Google Classrooms Student Guide” notes are available to help you make the most of Google Classrooms.

We also have a “Google Meet Troubleshooting Guide” which may help you with some other queries.

If you are having problems accessing or using Google Classrooms that are not covered in the guidance notes, please discuss your issues with your tutor. If there is an issue your tutor cannot solve they will work with the College to fix it for you. You can also email

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Forgotten your Password?

If you cannot remember your password please email

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